Sunday, May 13, 2007

Exceptional Patients

What is an Exceptional Patient?
From Love, Medicine and Miracles by Bernie S. Siegel MD. 1986

Exceptional patients are confident they will beat back the disease and resume a normal life. They hold an optimistic view of their prognosis.

Exceptional patients heal themselves. “They do not rely on doctors to take the initiative but rather use them as members of a team, demanding the utmost in technique, resourcefulness, concern, and open-mindedness. If they are not satisfied, they change doctors.”

Exceptional patients involve themselves in creative activities.

Exceptional patients believe in the power of the mind to overcome disease.

Exceptional patients take charge of their lives and refuse to participate in defeat. They refuse to play victim.

Exceptional patients work hard to achieve health. “ True healing not merely reversal of one particular disease.”

Exceptional patients love themselves and others. They love life and accept the fact they will not live forever.

Exceptional patients work hard to achieve peace of mind. Peace of mind sends the body a “live” message.

Exceptional patients help themselves and others mobilize all resources to fight their disease and heal themselves.

Exceptional patients educate themselves and become experts at their own care.

Exceptional patients demand dignity, personhood and control no matter what course of the disease.

Exceptional patients want to know every detail of their health care: x-ray reports, lab test results, pathology reports and what every number means.

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