Tuesday, September 9, 2008

You got the whole world in you hands

Introduction to Semi-colon

Semicolon was written for patients who are diagnosed with colon cancer. I want this book to be a resource to help you and your care-givers to develop plans to fight colon cancer and inspire you to heal completely. I encourage you to not just survive but thrive. My intention is to point the way to healing from the disease so you can continue living a vibrant life.

“Humans must rise above the Earth…to the top of the atmosphere and beyond. For only thus will we understand the world in which we live.” Socrates, 400 BC

I have traveled this road and won the battle. As a Colon Cancer Patient you have the power to heal completely. You will choose the right cancer treatment for your body. During this journey you will discover what needs healing and find the right path and proper pace for your recovery. You will find others who will help you with healing practices during and after your treatment. You have many choices to make during this journey. Remember, “You got the whole world in your hands.”

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