Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My Bucket List

The Bucket List movie stars Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman as two terminally ill men who escape from a cancer ward determined to complete everything on their "Bucket List" -- a list of things to do before they "kick the bucket."

For as long as I can remember, I have dreamed of visiting foreign lands. I have seen Europe, most of the USA, Canada, Hawaii and Mexico. My outdoor adventures have included scuba diving in the Mexico and Hawaii, water skiing, snow skiing in Colorado and Utah, hiking volcanoes and the Napili Coast, sailing, swimming with dolphins, ocean kayaking with sea otters and camping. I rafted down the Colorado River and backpacked in Alaska.

I have fallen in love, married wonderful women and enjoyed many happy years with both wives. I have no regrets about my decision to divorce when the marriages ended. I have had several successful jobs and have worked with some terrific people. I also have been fired and quit a few jobs when it has been time to move on. I enjoy good books, movies, art, theatre and music. I love teaching. I have many terrific friends and family members.

I am 58 years old. I am cancer free. I am dating a terrific woman who truly enjoys life and she loves me for who I am. My life is in balance. I feel truly blessed.

The author Richard Bolles calls this “life planning” in his book, The Three Boxes of Life. I highly recommend it.

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