Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My sigmo exam

I learned two very interesting facts during my sigmo exam today...

Fact #1: The outside of my behind is way uglier than I ever imagined it to be. (All hairy and bumpy.)

Fact #2: The inside of my behind is way more beautiful than I ever imagined it to be. (All pink and smooth.)

You know, I can't tell you how happy I have been since watching that "scope". If they could run a camera through my whole body -- and if everything looked that pink and clean -- I would be happier yet!

Cancer-Free-Since-1991. email from a female breast cancer survivor.

Sigmoidoscopy is the minimally invasive medical examination of the large intestine from the rectum through the last part of the colon. A sigmoidoscopy is an effective screening tool. Doctors use it to look for benign and malignant polyps, as well as early signs of cancer in the descending colon and rectum.

A sigmoidoscopy is similar but not the same as a colonoscopy. A Sigmoidoscopy only examines up to the sigmoid, the most distal part of the colon, while colonoscopy examines the whole large bowel.

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